Having a good time

There’s been a bit of pressure put on us to go to a departmental function that’s coming up.
As someone with social anxiety/ineptitude, I struggle with this sort of thing, even though I like my workmates. But I’ve found the perfect solution! A volunteer was asked for to work that evening to allow the person currently rostered on to go, so I’ve put up my hand for that. Given the choice, I’d much rather work. Is that odd? Yes, perhaps, but it’s good to know yourself, right?

The strange thing is, I know I’d probably be fine once I got there.

Now, my idea of a good time with friends is going to a movie. My husband says that doesn’t count because watching a movie is a solitary activity. But that’s part of the charm! A brief catch up before hand, watching a movie in the company of others without having to interact with them, then a quick debrief afterwards, and home. Perfect! 😍 The French film festival is coming up and I’m really looking forward to it.

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