Poor protoplasm or societal norms?

Listening to nurses comparing their personal experiences of COVID in the changing room this morning.

Many of our nursing staff are parents of young children, and this is usually who they’re catching it from, rather than from anyone in the hospital or from being out socialising in town. Thank goodness I am past the snot goblin phase of parenthood!

Their experiences seem very similar: everyone in the family gets sick around the same time, but the kids get a milder version and still require active looking after rather than just wanting to lie in bed all day. Thus the mums, in spite of bone dragging fatigue, have to get up and look after them. Meanwhile, the dads get a different illness altogether called ‘Man COVID’. This is similar to ‘Man Flu’ in that the sufferer is so ill they can’t possibly arise from their sick bed to help in any way. All the mums told the same story.

So, what’s happening here? Are the men really more unwell, or are they just a bunch of useless assholes who have been mollycoddled all their lives and can’t see beyond their own selfish concerns to deduce they need to pull their fingers out and do their bit? Who could possibly say?

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