Road rage

Arrived at work this morning wrung out after my 15 minute commute.

Even knowing I was helping save the planet by driving my Tesla didn’t cheer me up.

First I was tailgated by some tosser in a needlessly giant SUV. These have the nickname of ‘Remuera Tractor’ in Auckland, I don’t know what their slang term is here in Wellington? ‘Wankmobile’ seems appropriate, especially as this was a Pajero, which literally translates as wanker in Spanish.

After that there was some small white hatchback that refused to let me into his lane, even though I was indicating. In fact, he deliberately sped up to block my moving in front of him, a manœuvre so egregious I had to toot him, which is something I never do. I was livid.

Maybe I should stick to cycling?

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