
One of my offspring sent a YouTube video to the family chat today in which the terms aromantic and asexual are explained.

It was fascinating. I’d never heard of aromantic before. I think it’s basically people who don’t fall in love with other people. They do love – family, friends, pets, etc – but not romantically. Fascinating and possibly quite freeing – imagine not having dumb crushes on people – but maybe isolating, particularly if you don’t understand that it’s a thing. Asexual is I think when you just aren’t interested in having sex.

I wonder if progressive society (or maybe just me) is finally realising what a broad spectrum there really is to so many features of being “normal”. How many fo us are just acting at being typical human beings, at least in some aspect of our lives?

Speaking of crushes, I was shocked at the death of William Hurt last week from prostate cancer at the age of 72. He was the first actor I remember having a crush on as a young adult.  Where has the time gone??

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