Old scheduling email 7 July 2017

In lieu of any original thoughts this week, here is a snapshot of times gone by.

From: Kirsty Jordan [CCDHB]
Sent: Friday, 7 July 2017 8:41 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff

Subject: Drive


Hi All,


Greetings from the Koru lounge: I am heading away for another niche conference. Managed to attend much of the inservice including the QA session in the midst of my scheduling duties this morning. Tremendously bemused but also impressed at the Inception like Ali G award ceremony that preceded it, with the actual winner finally revealed as the well deserving Dr H, who is apparently well known as a good time in Ireland. I do feel a little sorry for Grant F, though, particularly after his heroic efforts with the phantom dentures of the imaginary little old lady.

I almost didn’t make it to work at all today, actually, as I was nearly taken out by a little old lady IRL. She pulled out in front of me, nearly collected me on my scooter, and then squealed to a holt, throwing her hands up as if to say “what are you doing on my road??”. One of my daughters sat her written driving test recently. Apparently the first rule in the road code is not to kill people. Self evident, you would have thought, but she actually got that question wrong in the test. If you come up to an intersection, and someone is walking across against the light, you still have to give way to them! Not sure what option she chose – hopefully not “drive over them to show them who’s boss, in a spirit of righteous indignation”. Not sure who she would have inherited that degree of psychopathology from?


Have to renew my APC soon. It’s all online now, I remember how annoying I found the whole process last year. I ended up being quite rude when creating my username and password. When my got my email reminder yesterday I was surprised to see my user name written there in black and white: stupidMCNZ. Lucky it didn’t show my password!


That’s it for me. My first flight has been delayed, but hopefully it’s all uphill from here. I trust you won’t all get too cold and shivery while I’m away. (30 degrees in Rome yesterday I’m told).



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