
Our Spoodle Maggie has found some new toys that she loves to play with.

I can’t remember which telly tubby this is, but in fact we had all four tidied away somewhere from when the girls were small, and Maggie has managed to unearth them all. They are still in good condition in fact if anyone tells me they are worth big bucks nowadays. I remember when they first came out, people were queuing outside The Warehouse from 3 in the morning in order to secure one for their little darlings. Hard to believe! They don’t seem to have had the longevity of the Wiggles, although I really haven’t kept up with the interests of small children in recent years, which is my good fortune.
The attraction of the ice cream container is harder to fathom, but it’s been a big hit for weeks now.
Makes a nice change from rotting bones and bits of soil I must say.

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