Come on, cheer up!

Not sure if you’ve  been aware of the storm in a teacup that was the Australian of the year reception at the Australian parliament this week?

The problem that was ripping everyone’s nightie was not this year’s recipient of the title – the perfectly inoffensive Dylan Alcott, Paralympic and disability advocate – but rather last year’s  winner, Grace Tame, a sexual assault survivor. When she met up with ScoMo this week, she declined to play along when asked “Give us a smile, love!” by the paparazzi, which inflamed passions no end.

From all reports it seems she wasn’t rude at all, she just didn’t plaster a fake smile on her face just to keep the peace, which is perfectly reasonable in my view, especially if you consider that Scott Morrison is by all accounts a bit of a dick.

What I really liked, though, was this little note at the bottom of the article which mentioned what she’d tweeted around the time of her visit to the capital. Do you recognize it’s provenance?

It’s from the Monty Python film “The Holy Grail”, referring to Camelot. Mad respect to you, Grace!


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