RIP Quarantini

Another of our fish has died. Not a major tragedy in the scheme of things, but still sad for us, and a bit of a mystery.

A few weeks ago I found the body of Tequila Sunrise floating in the pond. This morning it was Quarantini.

Quarantini, recently deceased, feat. Maggie’s inquisitive nose.

Both of these fish are ones that we accidentally bred ourselves. Not sure if that’s given them some sort of weakness? I don’t know what they’ve died of, either. There was no evidence of misadventure.  I’m not saying I’ve never performed an autopsy on a goldfish – I was only a teenager, and it wasn’t very informative, although the lens of the eye was really interesting. (And no, that’s not the same as playing with roadkill.) (Surely?) The pond looks healthy enough, with clear water, and plenty of plants, and the fish all come happily enough for their daily feed, swimming around enthusiastically. I guess we just wait and see what happens next – unless anyone else has any ideas?

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