In tune with the people


My surgeon was late to theatre this morning, so I asked the nurses what music they’d like to listen to.

One of them said “Hindi music!” partly as a joke because the nurses hardly ever get a voice when it comes to music in theatre, and also because we had three Hindi staff with us today. So, I found a Hindi playlist on Spotify and we’ve been listening to that, even after the surgeon arrived. He muttered something about not being a fan of the music, but hasn’t absolutely vetoed it. I think I’ll play it for the first case and then let him have his choice as usual. He is being a bit sullen and grumpy and I don’t want to ruin the day. I don’t listen to Hindi music much but it’s very upbeat and quite catchy (perfect for liposuction as it turns out). Don’t worry, this case isn’t anything tricky that’s putting a patient at risk if the surgeon isn’t performing at his peak.


Update: The surgeon relented, but on condition we finished the case with a big Bollywood song and dance number. Luckily by the time the case ended he’d forgotten all about it. Nice idea though.

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