Do I have to do everything around here??

Got a notification on my phone late last night, just as I was drifting off to sleep.

It really annoyed me. (“Who disturbs my slumber??” Cave of Wonders, Aladdin Disney 1992). I assumed it was going to be Uber eats again, cajoling me into ordering a tasty home delivery, but when I sleepily looked at my screen, it was from my car.  The Tesla app was telling me that I’d left the car door open. Mortifying. Useful, but mortifying. It was like that alarm that tells you off when you’ve left the fridge door open too long. I really didn’t want to get out of bed, but luckily for me, my husband was still up and watching TV. He must have been at least 20 metres closer to the car than I was. I texted him to go and close the door for me. Sorted. Thanks, Hun!

Are you dumb? Do you want me to be stolen??
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