It’s political

Our American neurosurgical resident Svetlana (actually an immigrant to the USA from Belarus) told us this week that her family back home in Philadelphia have COVID.

Luckily they’re all vaccinated, apart from the kids, so no one is too sick. She says it’s proof the vaccines work, because her brother in law is the feeblest excuse of a man (her words) but even he hasn’t been too ill. She only found out by accident that they were unwell, as her sister swore the whole family to secrecy. She knew Svetlana would be cross with her, because they caught it by going to their vacation home by the beach in Florida. “Go anywhere you like on your holidays!” Svetlana had said “But keep clear of those red states! Stick to the blue!” (The red states are the Republican, Trump loving, COVID denying, red neck, rust belt, basket of deplorables. The blue states are Democratic.) Luckily Svetlana’s nephew, her favourite human being in the entire world, her husband not excepted (again, her words) spilled the beans.

It’ll be coming to us soon. The surgeon I worked with yesterday said one of his juniors got coughed on by a bogan with Delta from the Wairarapa just last week. I’m just so grateful we managed to put it off for a couple of years. Bring it on! (I say that but I don’t mean it.) Thank goodness also that the lunatic fringe is fairly small over here.

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