In shape

Yes, round is a shape.

I was working with a locum anaesthetic technician yesterday, a very nice English lady. It came out over the course of the day that in 2020, she weighed 60 kgs, which was astounding as these days she’d be almost twice that. She’s significantly shorter than me but quite a bit wider. She’d always been big but with diet and exercise had managed to get her weight down a couple of years ago, and was saving up for surgery to remove all her excess skin, but then COVID happened and somehow she backslided (backslid?) into her old ways. She told me all this glumly as she finished her lunch of Optifast, a weight loss drink that apparently tastes like sawdust.

Today, I cycled in to work for the first time in months. My fitness has dropped considerably since we got our new puppy a few months ago, and I’ve really got out of the habit of commuting by bike, and I haven’t gone out with my walking group in ages. I want to say it’s concern about my fitness that’s got me back cycling again, but actually my tech’s story has put the wind up me. I would hate to be obese. I know I would hate myself. Am I shallow? Yes, I am. I’m pleased to be back on my bike, but I’d be ashamed to tell my daughters what’s motivated me to do it.

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