Getting my back up

Got rear ended in my Tesla yesterday. The horror.

I was completely still at a red light so there’s no question of whose fault it was – the nincompoop bogan in the decrepit white Mitsubishi behind me.  I pulled over at the first available opportunity after it happened and luckily he pulled up behind me, and almost got flattened himself in his eagerness to get out of his car, loudly tooted at for his pains by an irate woman in a needlessly large SUV.

”Are you OK?” Was his first question, so that was nice. It had been quite a thump but there wasn’t much, if any, damage to my car. I pointed out a little ding in the bumper and he did suggest hopefully that it might have been pre-existing but I quelled him with a look. I took a photo of both of our cars and got his details and then drove home.

I used the Tesla app on my phone last night to book in an inspection at the local Tesla garage, but one of the lovely representatives rang me just now to say that they can send a technician to do a house call tomorrow if that suits better! And he was able to tell me from looking at his computer that there was no damage to the electronics in my car.

You can be as cynical as you like about Tesla customers and their weird Apple-like blind loyalty, but is this not fabulous service??

My poor baby
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