A Royal scandal

I do feel sorry for the Royal family at times.

Not for Prince Andrew, I hasten to add – whose legal woes just took a turn for the worse after the conviction of his old buddy, Ghislaine Maxwell – he seems to struggle with the moral/ethical aspects of life. No, I’m thinking this time of poor old Catherine, exposed this week for buying several copies of the same dress in different colours. The article, in an Australian newspaper, struggled as to whether to be condemning or admiring of this practice. It wanted to sneer that it was a crime against fashion, but had also to be mindful of toeing the party line about avoiding needless extravagance. The same article also mentioned her other habit of wearing the same outfit – shock, horror! – more than once.

Personally, I think getting multiple of any winning item of clothing is a great idea, and when I bought five matching pairs of undies in different colours on Xmas Eve (actually six, but the sixth pair was free), where was the outrage then?

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