
Horrified to read yet another article on why the new “Sex and the City” reboot is dreadful, this time because the show still has SJP teetering around on high heels when the rest of the fashionable world has moved on to realizing comfortable flats are where it’s at.

The reason I’m horrified is because I bought these last week:

They are fabulous and you can’t tell me otherwise! It’s so hard finding any footwear that isn’t black or some drab shade of brown. Plus they make my calves look wonderful.
I’ve bought them for work, because I have a reputation to uphold with the ward and recovery nurses, who are the only ones who see them because of course I spend 99% of my working day in my theatre clogs. Does that mean I’m cheating because I never have to wear them for an extended period of time? Maybe it does, but it also means that shiny new look lasts forever…

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