A traumatic commute

I listened to the radio during my ten minute drive into work this morning  (free car parking at the private hospital, and the need to look fabulous in front of paying patients, rather than public hospital ones who have to put up with my disheveled appearance after cycling in, determines my mode of commute).

It’s the hundred year anniversary of the first NZ radio broadcast today, and after the 7:30 news report (I was running late) they played a section of newsworthy highlights from the last hundred years. I thought it would be mildly interesting, but it was actually surprisingly distressing. There were a couple of positive bits, like when we won the America’s Cup the first time, but most of it was contemporary reports of tragic events, and they brought tears to my eyes. The Hindenburg disaster,  the Tangiwai train wash out,  The Wahine, Erebus, 9/11, the Pike River mine explosion, the mosque shooting, the Christchurch earthquake – it was a litany of disasters. I was a wrung out, emotional wreck by the time I finally got to work. I’m beginning to think my daughter was absolutely right in saying I’d be too empathic to enjoy Squid Game on TV.


In retrospect I realize this post is very self centered. I wasn’t personally affected by any of these tragedies. However, this blog is all about my world view. It’s called “according to Kirsty” after all, not “a balanced report on world events”. So, it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to.

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