Old scheduling email – early June 2017

I’ve kept more of this one than usual because it’s got a chaotic energy that I quite like.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 9 June 2017 2:38 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Against the odds

Hi All,

Many exciting international events this week: Comey’s testimony; May’s electoral dreams shattered; Team NZ into the next round of the America’s cup challenger series, in preparation for stumbling at the last hurdle: but the most important local news this week is the brand new Young baby. If you haven’t seen the photo in this weeks newsletter then you should check it out. Little Wallace is cute as a button. (is Wallace shortened to “Wal” as in Footrot Flats? I could never figure out how this was pronounced: does it rhyme with toll, ball, or pal? Don’t you love the English language? Freda may be a safer bet. (Fred??))

In the meantime I am eagerly awaiting my invite to be an honorary clinical lecturer for Otago University, Wellington. I keep checking my pigeonhole but the large white envelope so conspicuous in other people’s pigeon holes persists in being mysteriously absent. Is it still “in the post” or has my reputation somehow preceded me? In which case, I may have to recuse myself from future interactions with medical students. At least then I’ll be able to spend my long dull general surgery lists propped up against the wall, trawling through Facebook rather than having to interact with pesky enthusiastic 20 somethings with their interesting questions and embryonic venepuncture skills.

At least I have finally found my missing glasses. I managed to somehow mislay them in the only office in the department more messy than mine. The other night I had a brainwave as to where they might be,  walked out to our garage, and had a look around with no success. Unfortunately, I forgot to close the garage door again. This is one of those posh elderly houses in Ye Grande Olde Kelburn, so no huge double garage with internal access for us: it’s a tiny dark damp concrete bunker, down the hill a bit. It wasn’t until yesterday morning that I went back to get my scooter and found the garage open. Unlikely as it seems, there’s nothing missing that I’ve discovered. Obviously there’s nothing in there of interest to my upmarket neighbours. I guess the scooter (keys in the ignition)  is looking pretty battered after the number of times it’s fallen over, and the ebike is last years model.

This is the first week of the second half of the RMO year, so lots of new faces around. Or, there will be later in the week once they’ve all been orientated. Also, there’s a part 2 course up in Auckland so we’ve got a number of senior regs up there. So, we are relatively SMO heavy this week. A number of people have taken advantage of this to take leave or get OPD payback, but we still have people “available” most days.



Busy day at Kene. A clerical error has resulted in two pm GA lists to replace the Dr P list. Luckily we’ve managed to scrape together an extra anaesthetist and tech to cover both of these, leading to an unprecedented four concurrent GA lists in the afternoon. Good luck out there! 


Inservice this afternoon, moved from the previous Tuesday, which was the first Tuesday of the month, because it was the day after Queens Birthday. Unfortunately the message hasn’t trickled through to everyone: Sarah S tells me there’s a full preassessment clinic booked that afternoon out at Kene.

Downstairs in angio they are doing two EVARS with Richard E. He reckons they’ll be well finished before the inservice. And they’re doing a LA case first… my protests have fallen on deaf ears, although I’m happy to be proved wrong (as if! I’m dying to say I told you so…)


Douglas is DA (don’t worry, I’ve given you Friday as OPD to recover)

Aaaaannnd, I’ve just made the dreadful discovery that I haven’t taken into account teaching this week. The am SHO session is fine, as Alan is already OPD, but unfortunately I’m meant to have freed up Sheila in the afternoon for SIM teaching, and she’s down for Kene gyne all day. Groan. It’s lucky I’m not the only one who checks the weekly schedule to make sure everyone has been freed up from clinical duty who needs to be! Oh wait – I am.

Well, for what it’s worth, Andrew is available in the morning, and Graham and Rachel were available in the pm, up until 2 minutes ago. Obviously this will change.


Can this week get any worse??

I am DA, all day and into the night, but at least I have Claire with me in the daylight hours, ready to soak up any pearls of wisdom I may have about the job. (number one: avoid scheduling at all costs!)

Geoff C is cardiac third all day, but in practice he will also be covering James M in the middle of the day as he has been shoulder tapped at the last minute to present at the grand round. Enjoy!

I had Colin available in the am, and Scott in the pm (after “morning” angio), but unfortunately I have omitted to free up Matt L for teaching (see Wednesday), so that’s going to change. (angry face emoticon)


Well, I’d better get back to rewriting my entire schedule. Enjoy your weekend.




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