Old scheduling email late April 2017

Looking for any evidence in these past emails of the dried up, bitter old sourpuss I have recently become. I can’t see it here but maybe that’s because I’d just come back from holiday.

Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 28 April 2017 1:51 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Reality bites

Hola a todos,

Just back from an awesome trip to Cuba. Had a great time, but I have to say: sorry, Che, I love you dearly, but give me capitalism every time. There are only so many potholes, dribbly cold showers, and lousy wifi spots that I can put up with.

Dean and Chris did a fabulous job with the roster while I was away, which I would be much more grateful for if I hadn’t found Chris in possession of my favourite high tech scheduling pencil when I got back.


Hasta La Victoria Siempre!*


(Ever onward to victory and meeting your targets!)


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