Old scheduling email early May 2017

I know you’ll all feel robbed because that last one was so short…

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 12 May 2017 1:57 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Flowery

Hi All,

Next week has been a bit shambolic to schedule. Sally and I marked it as a week we’d be short months ago, due to the ANZCA ASM in Brisbane and the final exam vivas on Friday and Saturday (good luck, guys!), and hence the welcome return of T (locum) to our theatres, as well as a number of people agreeing to be shuffled around in the week to cover gaps. However, in the interim a number of surgical services have been unable to get their acts together, and we’ve ended up with a number of last minute cancellations resulting in TBC theatres throughout the week. Oh, well, at least we may have a chance to get through some acutes. (By the way, this is why I regard my little niche conferences in out of the way places as a service to the department, because I’m always here to work when everyone else goes off to these more popular mainstream conferences. You’re welcome)

Next week also marks the return of Jeremy Y, from wherever he’s been. I’m not sure what he’s been up to, apart from reproducing, but I’m sure he’ll come back reinvigorated and full of fresh new ideas.

The flowers in the title, by the way, refer to my awesomely stylish new boots, which I am very pleased with. Chris T may say that they look like they’ve been made with the fabric of his Nana’s old curtains, but I feel this just demonstrates the fashion forward attitude that obviously runs in his family. Flowers could also remind you that Mothers Day is on Sunday, if you believe in that sort of commercialized crap, which luckily I don’t because my husband has been away on a boys weekend for the last week and doesn’t get back till Tuesday.


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