Food for thought

Our schnoodles are picky eaters.

This is in complete contrast to our cairn terrier Katie RIP who lived to eat. Who could forget the infamous Trisha’s pies episode of 2010? Certainly not my husband (“bloody dog!”).

I bought some mini tux dog biscuits at the local four square a few weeks ago, and it was a revelation. They loved them. I told Simon (our regular hunter gatherer) and he bought them in bulk every time he went to the supermarket for the next fortnight. You can see where this is going. Our biscuit tin is still a mix of a variety of dog biscuits, and this is the remains of this mornings breakfast:

They’ve eaten every type of food there was in their bowls except the mini tux biscuits.  My question is, did they both just happen to tire of the new biscuits at the same time, or was it a coordinated thing? Was there peer pressure involved? “Ewww you’re not eating those, are you? Not cool! They’re so last week…”

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