The witching hour

I mentioned a while ago my occasional troubles with sleep.

I’m going through just such a patch at the moment. I don’t have any trouble going to sleep, but in the early hours of the morning, I wake up and can’t get back to the land of nod. What is it about 3 am that calls me back to wakefulness? It reminds me of a very popular book from my teenage years called “The Amityville Horror”. There was a thread in the book where the haunted family woke regularly at 3:15 am, to be faced with some fresh horror or another. One of the main reasons the story gripped the public’s imagination was because it was billed as a true story. How gullible we were! Mind you, no more so than the myriad of conspiracy theorists/flat earthers/antivaxxers that abound these days. There’s being naive, and then there’s being an ignorant nut job.

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