
Accidentally made my first ever soufflé last night.

if I’d known it was a soufflé recipe I would never have had the guts to try it, as I’m not the best chef in the world. You’d think the fact the recipe was called “lemon soufflé” might have tipped me off, but no. I was looking in our Edmonds cookbook for the delicious lemon dessert I used to make as a kid, and I thought that was it. In retrospect I wonder if it was called ‘lemon delicious pudding’? If so it doesn’t appear in the later versions of the cookbook. I should have pretended to my family that soufflé was what I was going for, but unfortunately I couldn’t hide my surprise. (“It was supposed to have a sponge on top of a lemon custard base, not sure what happened…”)

Anyway I have cemented my place as the least successful cook in the family.



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