Guest post: Friends in low places

AKA the duck that screamed

(Blog post from a daughter in Dunedin)

As you all (hopefully) know, we’ve had another nation-wide lockdown. Alongside me and my other flatmates, we made the executive decision to turn down the comfort of our parent’s homes for our lovely (and fairly moldy) student flat.

One thing we didn’t expect from this (aside from the impromptu interior decorating), was our new friend Lucy.

Lucy has a rather unfortunate habit of charging the downstairs neighbours, and if you show fear? She WILL nibble on your toes. Luckily she’s a duck so all of this is quite excusable, and at best quite loveable (if you’re a group of social starved flatties). Over the course of the last week we have managed to introduce Lucy to a familiar game –

Lollyscramble. This duck LOVES it. She waits under our balcony until one of us catches her eye, and then it’s go time. Sadly she can’t digest proper candies so seeds are used instead, and she hasn’t noticed so far.

It’s pretty cheesy, but it’s been nice meeting a new friend in this crazy time – even if it is a random bird using you for seed.

Paradise Duck reference – picture (Lucy’s a wee bit more plump)

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