Old scheduling email end March 2017

Too busy the last couple of days for coherent thought. In lieu of that, then, here is one of my old work emails.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 31 March 2017 12:43 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Catering


I’ve just come from the ultrasound machine presentation next door. The only comestibles available are a couple of cakes. This is part of a disturbing trend in my view. The last Friday presentation we had was half an hour long and there was no food at all. What’s happened to the traditional drug lunch? Are we not giving up our lunchtime to be educated on these people’s (no doubt very lucrative) products? Disturbing. Chris J has done a much better job of catering today – and he isn’t even here! Knowing how useless I am at providing food for our weekly production planning meetings, he actually left me a panettone to take along with me today. Maybe this isn’t much of a sacrifice – most of us have one of these hidden away at the back of a cupboard – a ghost of Xmas past – but at least it shows some forethought. Chris is currently in LA with his family of small children. I think I’d rather be here, TBH. He’s already been to Disneyland, and today has been texting me from The Walking Dead ride at Universal Studios. I presume it’s age appropriate? His kids were pretty weeny the last time I met them.  I suppose a few nightmares never hurt anybody.

In the meantime, I have more serious concerns – does anyone have any useful advice about frizzy hair? My daughter is very jealous of my natural curls, having dead straight hair. But really, my dear, having what looks like a nest of pubes above your forehead is not a good look. Thank goodness I get to wear a hat most days. It’s worse this week than usual; maybe it’s the humidity, but the most likely thing is that it’s a delayed reaction to the flu vax I had on Tuesday. Next thing I’ll be developing autism and then where will we be? Who is going to respond to complaints about my schedule with the deeply caring sensitivity that is my trademark?



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