Old scheduling email 7 April 2017

After several weeks of struggling with a hospital IT system that was determined to hide my old emails, I suddenly found a way of unearthing them all, back to 2010 and beyond. I’ve forwarded a bunch to myself in case the wormhole doesn’t open again.

Gen X grumps ahead

I was part of the team looking after a patient in theatre yesterday, and I saw a tattoo like this on his arm:


Ummed and ahhed about giving the dogs the left over pork juice from last nights dinner that was heavily laced with Chinese five spice.

Spring forward

For the first week after every daylight savings time change, I find myself constantly trying to figure out what time it “really” is.

World famous

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I virtually attended that conference on strokes.


There’s an inverse relationship between the quality of the book I’m reading and the amount of time I spend scrolling aimlessly through Facebook and looking at memes and videos of animals being rescued and other such time wasting behaviours.