Old scheduling email mid March 2017

Lots of down time during lockdown, a good chance to catch up on posting my old work emails, which have been described as “a dramatic but also amusing insight into the work of an anaesthetic rosterer in a large kiwi anaesthetic department”. Ok, maybe it was me that described them as such, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true!

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 17 March 2017 12:35 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Begorrah!

Dear All,

Top of the morning to you! Happy Saint Patricks Day! And I hope the craic is good. Actually you don’t hear much about the Irish these days. Their particular form of sectarian turmoil seems very last century these days, and Scotland has overtaken them in column inches thanks to endless talk of independence referenda.

With reference to my email the other week, it was suggested I might like to mention other significant things about turning sixteen. You can get a tattoo with your parent’s permission. You can buy a chainsaw. (Ergo, presumably you can get a tattoo of your first chainsaw?) You can begin the long process of getting your drivers licence. Whether you think this is a good idea or not depends on the fear of letting a frontal lobe deficient human be in control of your car vs how much of your time you spend ferrying said humans about the city to and from various social and sporting engagements. In a few years our cars will be driving themselves anyway, so it will all be moot. Also, I think your sixteen year old is able to get married, leave school, leave home, and get a job, with parental approval, but that all seems very very far away at the moment. Mine still struggle to feed and clothe themselves when it’s all provided. And their rooms are a mess.


Woo hoo we’ve got another wicket! – here’s hoping the fine weather and good cricket continue all weekend.




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