
I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day about the trying year she’s had.

She’s had plenty of challenges to deal with, which were causing her some anxiety and sleeplessness, and to help her face them her GP started her on an antidepressant/anxiolytic. It’s been fabulous, she reckons. Not only has it helped her manage the difficulties she was having, they have made her feel better able to cope with life in general. She is calmer, and no longer sweats the small stuff. She never wants to stop taking them.

She isn’t the first of my friends to tell me this, which really makes me think. I’m not depressed, but sometimes I feel a little anxious, have occasional trouble sleeping, and have a bit of a low mood. What would happen if I started taking these medications? Would I feel happier too? Would the world be a little bit brighter? Would I worry less? Am I missing out??

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