Two of my daughters have longish names that they have chosen to shorten.
Like many parents, I still call them by the names we gave them at birth. I feel as if the shortened versions are for them and their peers. However, a couple of times recently I’ve introduced them to my friends like this: “this is my daughter “X”, but she goes as “Y”” or otherwise “she prefers to be known as “Y”” So, if they prefer to be known as “Y”, shouldn’t I be calling them that, too? I wouldn’t dream of deadnaming a transgender person, is this the same? It’s hard to get my head around, but I refuse to believe you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Obviously, what I really have to do is ask them.
This reminds me of a friend I had at school that really loathed the habit of shortening names (she was called Vicki). To guard against this insidious practice, she was planning to name any daughter she had “Penelope”.

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