Catch up

The anaesthetic department has had a regular daily 5 pm briefing on Zoom since the start of this latest COVID lockdown.
it’s a great way to keep everyone up on the latest developments, because not only are things changing all the time with how the hospital is managing the situation, but also most of us aren’t even on site at any one time. We’ve been split into three siloes to prevent cross contamination and protect service provision in the event people have to isolate after exposure to a COVID positive patient.
I am in team Toru, or three, which is of course the best team – or at least that’s the impartial view of our team WhatsApp chat group. This week we are on stand down from clinical work, so I’ve been working remotely at home on scheduling, newsletter work and other non clinical stuff.
Initially the briefings, chaired by our very excellent HOD and her capable 2IC, were wide ranging, slightly chaotic, serious, and rather panic inducing. The last couple have been a bit less intense, probably because our COVID numbers in Wellington aren’t too bad (yet?) Tonight began with a ‘show off your family pet’ theme, which prompted a very interesting digression onto expensive medical treatments various of my colleagues’ pets have had. There were quite a few multi-thousand dollar cats and dogs on display this evening. 

I had the perfect witty rejoinder at the end of last night’s meeting “OK, well I’m off now to spread my legs!” Which would have provoked much hilarity I’m sure except that I only thought of it after the meeting was over. Could have fallen flat I suppose if no one had heard of Chris Hipkins malapropism –  but I would have taken the risk.


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