
We hired a car for our first few days in Aitutaki.
It was a very painless process to arrange the hire. Ten minutes after we decided to do it, the boys delivered it to reception at our accommodation. I guess no one is going to steal it, are they? Lucky because the lock doesn’t work.
The car is a Japanese import. Every time you start the engine, a lady says something urgent in Japanese. I wonder what it is? Hopefully “fasten your seatbelts!” (something no one does here apparently) rather than “Look out, captain, she’s gonna blow!”

The car has inbuilt GPS and a little map on a screen on the dashboard, but not of Aitutaki. It’s quite disconcerting to be shown driving willy nilly across fields, bisecting motorways, and even traversing bodies of water. I wonder what regions it thinks we are traveling in? Somewhere in Japan? Yesterday we saw this on the screen:

I briefly wondered if we’d stumbled onto some holdouts from WW2 but actually it’s probably a sign for some sort of temple. So, not as useful as Google maps but much more interesting.

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