
Sometimes the comments section of anything is just awful, with trolling and viciousness, and best avoided.

At other times it’s funny, either due to wit, or witlessness.

You could hardly get less controversial than this, surely? You’d think so – but you’d be wrong. On to the reviews:


ummmm – one cup is 250 ml. One litre is 1000 ml or four cups, two litres is eight cups, ergo one cup to eight cups which sounds like 1:8 to me.

So, somehow a ratio of 1/2 : 2 ie 1 : 4 is weaker than 1 : 8?

Ah ha – tricky! A glorious mash up of units. I had to look this up:

100g is 1/2 cup, 500 ml is two cups. So, 1/2 : 2 or 1 : 4. Again, twice as strong as the original recipe that they’re condemning for being too strong.
I’m not saying people can’t make mistakes – I make mistakes all the time, ‘to err is human’ – the problem lies when you’re ready to go in all guns blazing to defend your cock up. I guess introspection is old fashioned?

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