
I did my bit to help the department today, being a pretend examiner for a mock viva exam for our part 2 exam study course.

It was very stressful, for me as well as the candidates. Luckily I’d managed to get hold of a real recent exam question instead of making one up, so that added a desperately needed air of authenticity to my performance.

The course convener came and had a chat after it was over to see how it had gone. I said “I feel like a…” “…fraud?” She finished for me, with an understanding nod and a grimace. How did she know that was what I was going to say? Maybe I felt like a coffee? Or a sandwich? Or a gin and tonic? Was it so obvious?? Well, I’ve done my part now. Exams are the devil, anyway – outdated and cruel – and need to be replaced ASAP. I just need to invent a humane alternative.


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