Family update

What is happening with the world today?? Our race towards Armageddon seems to have accelerated just in the last week.

If a country isn’t bathed in COVID, it’s underwater, or on fire – and sometimes all three. This week’s billionaire going into “space” on a penis shaped rocket hardly rated a mention, and is anyone even aware that the Olympic Games are starting any day now?

Anyway – that all seems so grim, I’m just going to focus on what’s going on in my immediate family. That’s what they mean when they say “Think global, act local” and if it isn’t, it should be.

My daughter who failed her exams because she wasn’t allowed to sit them due to having a respiratory infection, was told to lodge an appeal by a friend of a friend – and the university then accepted it. Too late for her to sit a make up exam, but she should pass on an aegrotat. Clearly it’s unfair that you need guidance from the Karen in your life to help navigate your way through the university system, but so it is.

Also, her window is finally fixed! She says the bed is still “moist” which is not a term I would ever use to describe anything, but presuming she means “damp” then hopefully a dehumidifier should fix that up in a jiffy

My other daughter who has been stuck in Canada awaiting a partnership visa for her boyfriend, and then an MIQ spot, has made it to NZ. They arrived at the Crowne Plaza in Auckland on Monday. I had only heard of the hotel as the location of patient zero in one of last years Auckland lockdowns, but apparently they have upped their game since then. The food is excellent and plentiful, the wifi is good, and they have an enormous room with two queen beds (separate beds because they aren’t married, is my daughter’s supposition). I’m sure it will get claustrophobic soon enough, but in the meantime it’s as good a place as any to chill out and get over your jet lag. It will be lovely to have them back home in Wellington soon.

The dogs are both alive, happy, and healthy after their rat bait fix. The one who ate the most poison is still having her twice daily squirts of vitamin K that she doesn’t love, but it’s a small price to pay. The pest control company are not charging us for the initial bait drop (duh!) and have agreed to pay half of the vet bill. The letter they wrote us was still very defensive of their employee’s  malfeasance, which made me cross, but my husband is happy to accept their offer so we can all just move on. Fair.

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