
Having missed a couple of weeks of yoga, I signed up for an extra workshop today.

it was an extra long class on “the principles of practice” which Gina confessed was an idea she dreamed up that was basically just the usual stuff but with more time for explanations.

The class was full, and was going pretty well until we got to the shoulder stand. I mean, she was still calling me out more than anyone else, but no more than usual. I wedged myself upside down on the wall as instructed, and gradually bent my legs forward at the hips, until suddenly I lost my balance and tipped right over with my legs over my head. I yelped in dismay “Aargh! Aargh! Aargh!” Not from pain but in horror because I was completely stuck. Gina had to rush over and pull my legs back up again. There were some nervous giggles from the rest of the class, and Gina had to reassure them that this sort of thing was OK, it was fine to have a bit of a laugh from time to time  – but I could tell she was saying it through gritted teeth.  I was banned from trying the pose again.

I spent the rest of the class anxious that I was going to be in trouble , it really detracted from the vibe of my virabhadrasana. However, what goes on in class, stays in class, it seems, and I snuck out unscathed.


Wrong (in unskilled hands)
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