
Neither of us are the sort to sit around all day drinking cocktails.
We can do that for large parts of the day, don’t get me wrong – just not the entire day. Hence on our first tropical island holiday last century ( ! ), after two days on a tiny resort island in Fiji with a further week ahead of us, we ended up signing up to do our PADI diving certificates. That meant lying on the beach in the sun, sipping cocktails and studying the physics and physiology of diving.
Fast forward lots of years, and we aren’t studying for anything, but we are keeping active. The last two days we’ve gone on 10 km plus walks, and today we’ve been busy on the water. I kayaked several kms across the lagoon this morning, and this afternoon set off to circle one of the local lagoon islets on a SUP. Having fallen off his SUP spectacularly in the first ten seconds, Simon now considers them a stupid form of transport. Besides, having gone for a run at 8 am, he’s still well ahead in the exercise stakes. Hence, I headed off for my expedition by myself. Simon was a little concerned by this, as it was already 4pm. If you’re not back by 6 pm – he said, determinedly – I’ll order dinner.


He needn’t have worried – it’s 5:30 and I’m back. We’re sitting by the pool, sipping cocktails – and it’s still happy hour.

There is a very strong smell of weed coming from the cheaper poolside apartments near us. I told you they needed to control the riff raff better.

Not looking forward to going home.

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