
I have seen only one cat on the island so far – the majority of animals you see around the place are dogs or chickens.
Hooray for this because it’s been scientifically proven that cats are awful.The dogs are generally mongrels that wander around freely, but they seem happy and healthy enough and most have collars.
One dog joined us on an exploratory walk the other day, until it got distracted by something in the water. It was chasing something around in the shallows, stepping on it and biting it intermittently. Eventually it flipped a ball-shaped thing up onto the beach. Taking a closer look, I saw that it was some sort of puffer fish. I guess for the dog it’s a kind of DIY ballgame. The fish kept trying to puff itself up, even on land. I tried to save it a couple of times, but the dog was having none of it, or maybe it thought I was trying to join the game. Eventually we heard a loud “pop!” followed by the high pitched whine of escaping gas, and we saw the poor fish gradually deflate. Horrifying. I left at full speed.

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