A close shave

My surgeon today wanted to have a quick haircut between our morning and afternoon cases.

I thought he was being very optimistic. I asked when his appointment was for, and he said he didn’t have one – he planned to just turn up at one of the local barbers. We finished up our first case, had a meeting about future list planning and then we both had a leisurely lunch before I went to see our second patient. I thought he must have given up on the idea of the haircut, but no. By the time we reconvened half an hour later,  he was looking much tidier. I’d told him about the article I read about Englishmen embracing long hair over the prolonged lockdowns in the UK, but he obviously hadn’t been convinced.

I’m so envious. Imagine being able to just pop down to the shops when you had 20 spare minutes and getting all the follicular grooming you need? We women have to book weeks in advance and put at least two hours aside, not to mention $100 minimum, even just for a straight haircut. Any hairdressers I deal with won’t let me out the door without a thorough and prolonged blow dry and style. Even when I had short hair I had to deal with the same rigamarole (=bullshit).

I hope I resist the occasional strong temptation to cut my fringe. That would only make matters worse.

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