Risky business

I’m a risk averse person, so you won’t be surprised to hear of my dismay when I found out my daughter had got involved with the most dangerous sport there is:
lawn bowls. It’s not that there’s anything intrinsically harmful about rolling a ball along the grass, no matter how heavy it is. The problem is the average age of the players. My daughter tells me that her team mates, all three or four times her age, are constantly complaining about other club members dropping dead. I imagine, considering the mortality, most tournaments would need an ambulance in attendance.
She was at a tournament today, actually, which was quite a big deal – live streamed and everything. All the players got paid a minimum of $20. This means my daughter is a professional athlete! It doesn’t sound quite so good when you know the entry fee was $40. I think my daughter got the bare minimum, because, just between you and me, I don’t think she’s very good. If she’s ever won a game she didn’t tell me about it. On the other hand, today’s competition started at 8 am (on a Sunday! For a student!) and went on for 12 hours. And her teammate, a ringin because it was an under 30’s competition, felt so sorry for her losing every game that he bought her several rounds of drinks afterwards so that she could barely walk when she got home and could only stagger into bed. Not my idea of healthy exercise but I’m still very proud of her.

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