A stretch

I’m a little nervous about my yoga class this coming week.

During last week’s class I felt a bit got at by our instructor, Tessa. She seemed to keep calling me out for a number of unwitting infractions. “Turn your heels out a bit, Kirsty” “rotate your cork bricks the other way” “no, it’s left leg over the right”. And finally “there’s something a bit odd about the way you’re lying on that bolster – just let me adjust it” – which she did, making me get up and stand foolishly to the side while she moved my bolster away from the wall. She then moved on to someone else, while I lay back down, making another small adjustment to keep comfortable. Unfortunately, she spotted me doing it. “Have you moved your bolster again, after I’d already fixed it?!” She was incredulous as I shamefacedly got up and stood aside once more, while she adjusted it back, muttering under her breath that since she had twenty years experience as an instructor she might be trusted to know what she was doing. “You just need to relax like this” as she leaned all her weight into pressing my shoulders back  onto the floor. “Aaaargh!” I said, quietly, once she was safely out of earshot. It was rather embarrassing, and when the class was over, I apologized as I was leaving and said that I was trying.

She was taken aback by this. “Why do you say that?” “Well I seem to be getting things wrong a lot”  “Not at all! I’m helping everyone try to improve their technique, you’re a good class who really respond well”. “Oh OK, thanks!” And that made me feel much better: she wasn’t picking on me at all, I was just being over sensitive, imagining that I was being singled out when it was no such thing.

i walked out and met up with my classmates who were waiting for me. They were laughing: “Oh boy, she was really gunning for you tonight, wasn’t she?”

Hence, I’m looking forward to this week’s class with mixed emotions.

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