Old scheduling email – early Feb 2017

We’ve had some IT shenanigans at work recently, and I had a bit of a scare that my old emails had been deleted somehow. I was just coming to terms with my (our) loss, when a more savvy colleague was able to show me today where they’d been archived. So, worry not! We must surely be heading into the final straight with these anyway (she says optimistically).

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2017 1:38 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All staff
Subject: Nice


Feeling much better this week. Is it the endorphins from cycling into work on such a beautiful morning, or the fact that I’m heading out of town to a conference tonight? Either way, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. Even Trump’s shenanigans over in Murica don’t have the power to dampen my spirit (today, at least). Was up in Auckland in the middle of the week, to see David Attenborough, the consummation of a childhood dream. My girls and I all had tears in our eyes when he came on stage, but after a while listening to him tell stories from his long and varied career, it was just like listening to an old friend chewing the fat. Marvellous. I believe the Guns ‘n Roses concert last night was equally well received – once people could get inside, anyway. Shame about the sevens the previous weekend, it’s loss of popularity seems inexplicable to me but then I’ve never been. Might try and go next year if it’s still here. Especially now it’s in walking distance! I could dress up as a middle aged lady.


I’m not the only one on leave this week, if the schedule is anything to go by. I’ve been steadily haemorrhaging staff to the part 2 course at the end of the week; luckily I’ve managed to get some locum cover so nothings been cancelled, but you may struggle to get breaks from the DA – be warned.



Hooray New Zealand! A well deserved STAT.



Neale is DA, which will be a surprise to him.

No cardiac surgeon available for Theatre 2, only discovered at the last minute it seems, leaving Paul D doing a day of eyes, also a great surprise no doubt.


Extensive and complex arrangements have been going on behind the scenes for weeks regarding a patient on the general surgery list in OT 5 who also needs an ERCP. We had also taken the opportunity to  book a couple of other patients needing ERCPs on the same list. There was no ICD list, so it was all terribly fortuitous. Unfortunately, the last thing I heard this morning was that cardiology had screwed up and given away their list when they actually had patients booked. So, everything is still up in the air and I’m not sure where we are at. The respective specialties are duking it out and I guess we just wait to hear what the outcome is. Watch this space.

Aruntha is taking part 2 teaching (yes, during the part 2 course. Apparently a precedent was set last time. Or maybe I’m just getting soft).



We are very short today. Fingers crossed no one gets sick.


Look after yourselves, see you all when I get back.


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