Coming clean

My husband is mocking me for being sucked into buying an “Eco” brand of laundry detergent.

He gleefully told me that it’s scientifically proven to be no more effective than water at cleaning your clobber (thanks, Consumer Magazine!) at around 43%. On that scale I suppose zero percent is rolling your apparel around in the dirt, and 100% would be an industrial autoclave (which would also melt your clothes).

I feel somewhat abashed for falling for this blatant green washing, but at least my heart was in the right place.

He feels similarly about organic food – again, scientifically proven to be no healthier than standard farming practices. But it’s not just about the health of the consumer, is it? Isn’t the health of the soil and the rest of environment also worth a thought? Call me an old hippie if you like but I’m just trying to do my bit.

Disclaimer – I do think plastic recycling is a con job by industries who make plastic and are too lazy to look at substitutes, by trying to put the onus on the consumer to fix the problem, which they never can because recycling will never make any real difference. See, I can be a dispassionate cynic, too!

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