Old scheduling email – late Jan 2017

A dull Sunday here in Wellington.

I’ve finished my split weekend on call – in the hospital for six hours yesterday afternoon but then spent the rest of my on call at home. Watched a terrible Netflix rom com and then early to bed, to sleep the night through undisturbed. Had a very experienced registrar on night shift but that’s no guarantee – if the shit hits the fan sometimes it’s all hands on deck (mixed metaphor? Anyway, definitely unpleasant visual imagery.)

No side effects from my COVID shot apart from a very slight ache in my left deltoid where my mRNA is being re-engineered, or something.

Making gradual progress wading through the old work emails. Here’s the latest installment.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Sunday, 22 January 2017 2:17 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Moving

Hi All,

Well we had a lovely Summer. It was on Friday: I hope you enjoyed it. That was the day we finished moving into our new house. The renovations are finally finished. Well, they must be – our builder has gone on holiday. Earlier in the week we discovered our lovely new granite benchtop had suddenly become two granite benchtops. This was not as good a development as it sounds. So, currently we have a plywood benchtop instead. This sort of industrial chic was very popular in interior design a couple of years back I understand. Actually I read last week that stark white kitchens are already passé – and we hadn’t even moved in yet! I suspect a conspiracy of planned obsolescence to keep the renovation industry flourishing. In the meantime, Trump is POTUS and nightmare becomes reality.

The schedule for the coming week has a shambolic quality as a result of various hospital departments struggling to get back to reality after the strike. So, a number of TBC lists remain just that. My gut feeling, for what it’s worth,  is that they will become neuro semi acute lists.


Holiday – some people are working but I have no say in what they do. How will they cope?


No ENT list at the last minute – currently TBC. If neuro doesn’t step forward it will be acutes.


Kirsten and I tag teaming in ortho and neuro according to our subspec skills (she has some – I don’t)

More extra gyne preassessment. They swear to me that these are vital.

Will Y taking part 2 teaching. I’m sure your neuroradiology list will be finished on time – its only a morning list. (Ed’s note: sarcasm)


Lots of paeds heavy lists scattered all around today. I have plenty of paeds people available but it’s very hard to know where best to put them. Mark S (paeds surgeon), bless his heart, has certainly developed a penchant for booking paeds surgery cases onto the paeds painful procedures list which is quite unnerving when you’re just expecting a little light botox. Vicki, in the absence of Andrew’s guiding hand, I suggest we meet on Thursday afternoon to work out a suitable division of labour.

Next week Chris brings out his first schedule of the year so expect something fresh and new.

Cheers from Kelburn.




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