Old scheduling email mid-Jan 2017

Gradually wading through my backlog of old work emails, combing through them for crumbs of humour and/or pathos (one of the musketeers). I’ve left in more detail than usual today, so you can see what happens when there’s a strike on (junior doctors in this instance).

I gave up scheduling at the end of 2018 so only a year or so to go…

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Sunday, 15 January 2017 11:22 AM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: explanatory email


Hi All,

I’m late with this as I wanted to wait until I knew what version of the schedule I would be explaining. I’ve been looking forward to this coming week, actually. For one thing, my coschedulers egregiously long holiday is finally coming to an end. Not that I’m afraid of hard work, but when you start waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat from dreams about rosters, you know you’re reaching your limit. (a tip of the hat to Alan – how did you do this job by yourself for all those years??). The other reason is that we are finally moving into our new house. I know I’ve been talking about it for months, but now it’s actually happening. The renovations (estimated completion date – early December) are already almost done. I really hope the new house lives up to our expectations because I never want to do this again. If anybody sees me looking at property websites, please give me a clip around the ear.

Next weeks schedule has undergone many changes since Chris first wrote it many weeks ago. When the strike was first mooted, the initial plan was to cancel all elective surgery. There then followed a long period of clawbacks, with various lists being reinstated, often for very excellent reasons I’m sure. So, there is unlikely to be large numbers of techs, nurses and SMOs sitting around twiddling their thumbs, thank goodness. The strike runs from 0700hrs on Tuesday to 0800hrs on Friday. Expect to see more SMOs around the place at odd hours.



A normal day in terms of staffing, but the lists are likely to be daycase heavy.

Speaking of heavy, there is a 250kg+ patient on the eye list – hence the generous anaesthetic staffing in there.

Only one cardiac theatre running, and this is the plan all week until Friday.

Preassessment is set to continue as usual all week – including out at Kene – although due to a failure of communication (some specialties were told to cancel their preassessment patients), some clinics are likely to be lighter than usual.

Elective surgery is planned for Kene Monday and Friday but not the strike days.


Lots of lists still going ahead, including in radiology.

Two  SMOs, one from acutes and one from delivery suite, will be turning up early to get a handover from the overnight regs. I’m hoping they will then be able to head home early at the end of the day, but I make no promises.

Phil Q is rostered to part 2 teaching, and can still do so if there is demand and the DA can spare him.


Chris T is rostered to part 2 teaching in the afternoon and, as for Tuesday, this can go ahead if there is demand and he can be spared.


Pretty much back to business as usual, although SMOs please note : the strike doesn’t finish until 0800hrs, so expect to preassess your own patients. I don’t think a late start has been organized for any list so I suppose that if you think this is necessary you will need to let your own theatre know. Fair enough?

An all day thoracic list has been requested. These are usually cancelled at the last minute so we will have to just wait and see.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, in spite of the wet today.





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