Milford Track day 4

Another early start.

It had rained all night and we set off in the early morning gloom in steady rain. It was magical. It’s all rainforest here and it looks so much better when it’s wet. It also gave me a chance to wear my waterproof over trousers. As with yesterday afternoon, we were allowed after morning tea to head off at our own pace which was much more pleasant than being in a big group. 

The sandflies became more prolific as we traveled but I managed to do the entire track without putting on any insect repellent at all, and had no significant bites. 

Two of our group were helicoptered out in the morning after injuries sustained in falls the day before, but apart from one strained knee we all made the rest of the track today without mishap.The weather cleared up after lunch, and we could see clearly all the devastation from last years floods. Mother Nature can be scary. 

The last hour of the walk was very tranquil with a well groomed track, and I whiled my time plotting a murder mystery I could one day write, located along the Milford Track. One of the huts could double as a closed location like an isolated country house in the 1930’s English countryside. It would turn out that one of the guides knew one of the walkers from before the hike. Add some dead bodies (at least two) and a romance and best seller lists, here we come! I have always admired murder mystery writers. I think you’d have to be very clever to write a good one. I can never figure out whodunnit. 

We were picked up from Sandfly point by boat and ferried to Mitre Peak hotel. I think it dates from the 1960’s as an old fashioned high end tourist hotel. Of course we’ve been traveling in relative luxury on the track – otherwise I imagine the hot showers here would have been even more welcome. 

View of Mitre Peak from our hotel room

As usual there was drinks and mingling before dinner. I saw our petite Japanese guide Yoshie sitting by herself so I went and sat next to her and apologized for the shock she must have gotten when she walked in on me in the toilet. She apologized in turn but it turns out she had no idea who she’d walked in on as she’d been so busy gathering up everyone’s towels that she hadn’t noticed what room she’d gone into. So, if I hadn’t mentioned it she would never have known it was my arse she’d accidentally spotted. Should have kept my mouth shut!

We’ve signed up for a helicopter transfer back to Queenstown tomorrow if it’s possible. It’s expensive but worth it to get out of a 4 ½ hour bus trip back. 

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3 years ago

Marvellous. Sounds like you had a good time despite the weather. I don’t know if it’s a family thing but I’m immune to sandfly bites. They bite (& annoy) but leave no trace, unlike for Nic, who comes up in big weals (& gets v. grumpy as a side effect).

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