Free speech

Had my annual credentialing meeting this morning. It was actually for last year but we’re running a little bit behind.

Everything went fine. I didn’t expect to be talking about my dog’s skin problems but that’s just the sort of holistic department we are I guess.

Turns out I’m the uncomplaining sort that just beavers away in the background. Who knew?

feedback on the newsletter was mostly positive, although some people aren’t happy about my editorials. Are they concerned that I’m not respectful enough of our surgical colleagues? Is it a problem with patient confidentiality? Am I not warm and caring enough? Too serious? Not funny? No, it’s none of these things – they think I talk about my Tesla too much. Sigh. But I will not be muzzled! I know my First Amendment rights! (Actually is that the law here? Possibly not.)

I guess the truth is, you can’t keep all the people happy, all of the time. (Sucks to be you guys!)

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