
Went out for dinner last night to celebrate our empty nest once more.

The restaurant was busy which is always encouraging to see – I like local eateries to be doing well.
The couple at the table next to us were notable only in their innocuousness. They were both dressed immaculately but with an almost studied dullness – I thought they were likely a couple of accountants or actuaries – but they could have been androids, or even aliens. Not a hair was out of place. A long monologue from the woman to the obviously uninterested waitress about an app that tells you how much you can drink before you’re over the limit confirmed my suspicions that they were people not to get into a conversation with.
We had a delicious meal, only slightly let down by the dessert special which was nowhere near as delicious as advertised.
It was then the turn of the couple next door to order their desserts. I sighed when the woman ordered the special as well, but then the waitress came back to say they had just run out, and would she like to try something else? She said no and was clearly disappointed. Suddenly I was gripped with an urge to tell her she hadn’t missed anything, as the dessert was quite overrated. I suspect the several glasses of wine and one rosebud I had consumed contributed to my new found chattiness. I managed to stop myself interfering until just as we stood up to go, when I could resist the impulse no longer. I leaned over and said she hadn’t missed anything with the white chocolate parfait, as it wasn’t very nice. She looked frankly appalled that I had spoken to her. She turned red and put her hand up to her face, and said “Ummm- thank you?” while grimacing. Her partner similarly seemed very uncomfortable and didn’t know where to look. I muttered something about just trying to be helpful and staggered out the door. How mortifying. Note to self – do not talk to strangers (who might be aliens).

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