
Just because I’ve taken up yoga doesn’t mean I’m now open to New Age claptrap.

This from my naturopath friend on Facebook:

It was in the comments after a post she made about having received a sign a few months ago (“visualise your sword being a light saver*, God is your shield”). She and her friends believe that the worst thing to happen to the world in the last year is the lockdowns, not the virus itself. Masks are also bad, although I’m not sure why. I’m torn, because she’s a lovely person, and generally I think it’s right to allow people their own point of view, and it’s bad to laugh at them for it. But she lives in London, where people are dying in large numbers, and people I know are working in hospitals there where things are incredibly dire. So, these looney tunes beliefs are no longer an amusing and innocuous eccentricity.

To be on the safe side, I’m not going to ask if anyone in my yoga class is anti-vax.

*sabre, surely?

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