Life changing

Anaesthetised for a gender affirmation surgery list today.

It’s what we used to call gender reassignment or sex change surgery. I too used to think the name change was a bit ‘woke’ but now it seems odd to use the old phrases. Similarly, I used to get nervous about using the wrong pronouns but that too comes more naturally now. I guess maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks.
The surgery itself was interesting but took a bit longer than I’d bargained for – I had hoped to make it to the cricket in the afternoon. But the look on the patient’s faces when they woke up was amazing, it brought tears to my jaded old eyes. When they realized they no longer had the secondary sex characteristics that were so jarring for them – Adam’s apple, or breasts – they were happy, relieved, and very grateful. You don’t need to worry about your tax payers dollars, though – this was in the Private hospital, so luckily they had enough money to be self funding, rather than languishing for decades on the waiting list.
A very worthwhile day, with the added benefit that this sort of work makes me a hero in my children’s eyes. Plus, I got to the last couple of overs of the days play, so I’m happy.
Hoping my weekend on call will be as rewarding, if it can’t be quiet.

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