Festive raiment

It’s the most wonderful time of the year,

when I’m faced with the eternal conundrum: do I wear one of my festive scrub hats or not?

On the plus side – I like Christmas and here’s my chance to celebrate the season in the only display of individuality that is open to me at work – although in Christmas week itself I’ll take it one step further and wear something from my festive earring collection each day. On the downside, is it appropriate to wear something light hearted when sometimes the patients and their families I’m dealing with are going through some difficult times – which can hit even harder at this time of the year?

I’m on call over the weekend so possibly I can make a call on a case by case basis: all good for an appendix but not for a major road crash victim, for example. Although possibly my headgear won’t be foremost on my mind when an emergency rolls through the door – neither on the patients either I expect but you never know what details stick in your head when emotions are heightened.

Am I possibly overthinking this?

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