Good company

I’m not going to mention the company we’ve booked our cycle tour with, because I’m not sure I’d recommend them.

I don’t love my ebike, in spite of it’s miraculous power to not cause me a pain in the arse. Also, all the literature they have sent us over the past months puts great emphasis on not leaving them a huge suitcase to lug around for us between accommodation venues each day. “Maximum 15 kgs” is written everywhere. I checked my suitcase before we left Wellington, and it seemed as if I had plenty of room to move as far as weight went. I stuffed my handbag, iPad, kindle, and new handbag I’d bought in Dunedin into it with no concerns. On the first day the scary lady in charge took our bags aside, brandishing a pair of hand held scales. It wasn’t until that evening I found the bag tag – it had 14.5 kg written on it. Yikes! Hope they don’t check it again because the weight will have only been augmented by the toiletries I’ve been pinching each day…

The other thing they put great emphasis on is putting your luggage out by 9 am each day for collection. Well, everyone knows your luggage never gets picked up at 9. Unfortunately, today was the day they broke all the rules and arrived on the dot. I had to leap up from the breakfast table to finish my packing – but at least I was better prepared than our friends, who were still in a state of undress when the luggage wallah opened the door of their room to physically remove their bags. Phew! Must be on time tomorrow.

Never trust a tour operator who can’t take a photo without getting a big fleshy digit in the picture


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